Post-normal science as a framework for science advice to government
5 November 2019
4:30 PM - Mendel Museum´s Augustinian Abbey Refectory at Mendel Square

Prof. Matthias Kaiser is Professor at - and former Director of - the Centre for the Study of the Sciences and Humanities (SVT) at the University of Bergen, having studied at the Universities of Munich, Oslo, Stanford and Frankfurt. His areas of expertise include: philosophy of science (Dr.phil.), ethics of science, and technology assessment. His areas of competence include social studies of science and technology, history of science, ethics, logic, and history of philosophy. His topics of interest include but are not restricted to: the science-policy interface, risk, the precautionary principle, uncertainty & complexity, aquaculture, food ethics, governance, value studies, integrity in science, energy, public participation, gm-organisms. In several capacities, Kaiser has been advising policy nationally and on EU-level. Kaiser is an internationally recognized specialist in fields relating to ethics of science, food ethics, and integrity of science; he is Editor-in-Chief of the scientific journal Food Ethics (Springer), and past President of the European Society for Agricultural and Food Ethics ( Kaiser has published widely, more than 150 articles.
This lecture will provide an overview of the central insights in post-normal science, and it will relate them to current issues in science and technology. The matter of quality will be given special attention, as it is closely related to ethics of science. Another focus is on science advice for governments. This will be discussed with reference to as current case in Norwegian policy: the sunken WWII German submarine U864 off the Norwegian coast.
Mendel Museum's Augustinian Abbey Refectory at Mendel Square
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