A New Era for the Elucidation of Protein Complexes in Physiology and Disease by Experimental Methods in Structural Biology
3 March 2022
4:00 PM - University Campus Bohunice (pavilion B11/ seminar room 132)
Prof. Savvas Savvides
Groupleader at VIB Ghent, Belgium
"We employ an integrative structural biology approach in conjunction with molecular interaction studies and cellular interrogation of the systems under study to elucidate the structural and mechanistic principles underlying the assembly, activation and pathophysiology of macromolecular complexes pivotal to inflammation, immunity, and cancer."
See more information at Prof. Savvides research group website.
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About the lecture
We employ integrative structural biology to study the structure, mechanism, and antagonism of proteins and protein complexes pivotal to immunity, inflammation, and cancer. Our recent work on Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase receptors and their activating cytokines has revealed novel protein folds and unprecedented receptor-cytokine assemblies. My seminar will focus on leveraging a diversity of structural biology methods and structure-function data to propose biologically relevant cytokine-receptor assemblies that could be used for further functional interrogation and therapeutic targeting. Furthermore, I will illustrate how the latest developments in protein structure prediction can be used synergistically with experiment-driven research to help resolve critical debates on the structure and mechanism of cytokine-receptor assemblies.

Registration for lunch with the speaker /for Ph.D. students/
The sponsored lunch usually takes place in the Campus River restaurant. Please meet the speaker and other students at 12:45 at the reception desk at the main entrance (building B22, see the map below).
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