Reconstituting Cytoskeleton - One Molecule at a Time

  • 31 March 2022
    4:00 PM
  • University Campus Bohunice (pavilion B11/ seminar room 132)

Lecture will be held in English


RNDr. Zdeněk Lánský, Ph.D.

Group Leader Structural proteins and their complexes in BIOCEV.

See more information at Biocev website.

More info about Dr. Lánsky find here.

About the lecture

Cytoskeletal proteins drive cellular motion for example during cell division or morphogenesis. Ensembles of cytoskeletal proteins self-assemble to drive these processes. We are interested in the roles of the individual cooperating proteins and the principles that underpin their collective action. We use single molecule imaging and manipulation techniques to quantitatively describe these biological systems. I will discuss two recent projects from the lab, covering the role of cross-linking proteins in actin contractility and the role of the neurodegeneration-related protein tau in regulating access to microtubules.


Registration for lunch with the speaker /for Ph.D. students/

The sponsored lunch usually takes place in the Campus River restaurant. Please meet the speaker and other students at 12:45 at the reception desk at the main entrance (building B22, see the map below).


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